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Center for

Deep Intelligence

Tend Your Humanity in the Age of AI

Welcome to the Center for Deep Intelligence

Our mission is to Protect, Prepare, and Steward Humanity in the Age of AI

In the midst of ever-increasingly faster times and more pervasive and powerful tech/AI, the Center for Deep Intelligence (DI) is a place designed for you to tend to the most precious parts of your humanity.

As we move into an exciting, scary, and unknown future … let’s do it well by:

  • Protecting the delicate parts of our natural human abilities, that are already being degraded (ex. ability to focus, deep meaningful connection) and those that will be in danger in the future.
  • Preparing ourselves by optimizing the consciousness which is adopting the new tech. Developing our inherent Deep Intelligence will lead to better resilience, happier outcomes, and the best chance at a bright future in a quickly changing world.
  • Stewarding ourselves and each other collectively by supporting the community here and at large to adopt deep, humanizing practices and have good resources to the latest research and information on risks, outcomes, and best adoption practices.

What is Deep Intelligence?

DI is the integrated network of intelligence of your unconscious, conscious, and the collective field minds which you already have access to (ex. family systems, social/cultural fields, nature, spiritual fields of awareness etc.) It is connected to and draws on the principle of wholeness that wisdom traditions have taught us about throughout history.

It is mainly a body-based and non-verbal form of intelligence.

How will cultivating it help me?

For now – it will improve most areas of your life: career, relationships, wellness, spiritual work, etc. Imagine having easier and easier access to Flow states and the deepest wisdom and truth within you. It will optimize and enliven whatever you are engaged with.

For the future – it will be an important way for you to guide through the noise and consistent quick change coming while helping you make the best decisions and wisest use of AI and other tech tools as they come into existence.

6 Areas of Concern in the Age of AI which DI Supports

Your attention is one of your most important assets and has already become a commodity bought, sold, and successfully algorithmed to entrap. You may have noticed that it’s harder to finish a book than it used to be 20 years ago. Or that it’s tough to stay focused for more than 10 minutes on a task.

With that degraded ability to focus, comes the degraded ability to be creative, deep thinking, connection making, productive in your pursuits and on and on.

You need your attention for everything.

The good news: you can get it back!!!

Through the practices that develop your Deep Intelligence, meditation, reading, and other forms of deliberate mindfulness – you can reclaim and grow your ability to experience Flow states and the magic of deep immersion in all areas of your life.

There is a growing epidemic of loneliness that our modern society and use of technologies has engendered.

In the same way social media whittled away our attention, AI is poised to do the same with our ability to connect and develop deep intimacy in our lives.

Being able to connect deeply with ourselves, our partners, our community, and humanity as a whole is paramount to our well-being and health as a species.

Developing your DI will grow your ability to feel and be felt which blossoms into the deep connections that are fundamental to a good life.

At the Center for Deep Intelligence, community is the cornerstone where you can dip into your DI with others, learn, play, and grow in connection.

Deep Intelligence is primarily a non-verbal form of intelligence which means … a primary access point to it … is your body.

Dropping down beneath the isolated ego-thinking mind (which we are usually socially educated to value above all else), necessitates a healthy, feeling relationship with your body.

Wisdom traditions through the ages have known this, and the West is catching up with the somatic, poly-vagal modalities seen in mental health, trauma work, and spiritual growth.

You can’t get to the core of your being (DI) by tweaking your thinking. You must come down to your first unconscious mind – your body.

As your embodied sensitivity grows, your intuition will speak louder and more clearly, and your ability to deeply feel and connect with others will blossom.

The environment we are living in is becoming more and more like a fantastical mirage. Sometimes for fun, and sometimes for influential, and even malicious purposes.

Externallybeing able to tell what we see and hear on social networks, the news, any online platform is getting harder.

Internally – with our dwindling attention and growing disembodiment, sensing our own truths, beneath conditioning and habits, is becoming harder and harder.

In order to steer yourself well in this increasingly illusory environment, and make good decisions for yourself – you MUST be able to discern what is True from what is not.

Your awareness and sensitivity to inner and outer truth that developing your DI skills brings is invaluable in an increasingly fuzzy landscape.

We saw with the pandemic of 2020 how destabilizing it was for everything to change so fast AND at a grand scale. Expect that, but faster.

The ability to surf uncertainty, instead of being frozen, or freaked out by it will determine how you fare in a time of accelerating change.

Connection to your Deep Intelligence will help you with the day-to-day issues of changing work, relationships, geopolitical situations, and inner questions of identity when who you’ve been no longer serves the territory and context of your life.

You will have an easier time with a healthy detachment, adaptation, and increased resilience so you can thrive through change.

With all the change and tumult ahead, issues like job loss are the more obvious ones, but even beyond that, our sense of who we are, what we’re doing, and why we matter are coming up. There is a deepening uncertainty in our careers and our very identity.

Consuming more and distracting ourselves are encouraged, in fact designed for in our current systems, but they’ll only take us so far, if not in the opposite direction of vital living.

DI, with it’s inherent base being YOUR connection to YOUR truest self, supports the deeper exploration of what is most meaningful and fulfilling to YOU in YOUR  life.

Discovering your way of connecting to and creating something that is bigger and outside yourself will be a key way to experience deep meaning and purpose, no matter what the Age of AI brings.

The Three Ways to Use the Center

There are many ways for you to connect, learn, and explore here. From community gatherings, workshops, and events to deeper more intensive trainings, to private bespoke coaching designed to help you optimize and integrate your deepest human consciousness and flow into your life and goals.

Connect and Practice

The best way to support new learnings is to integrate them into your life. Our community offerings provide free and low-cost ways for you to dip into your Deep Intelligence in a beautiful field of community to support you.

Check out Workshops, Soul Space, and The Book Club!

Train and Develop Deep Intelligence Skills

For EveryoneThe Deep Intelligence Training Program – to learn how to access your Deep Intelligence, unlock the magic of your humanity, create more in your life and build resilience for the future.

For Coaches/Healers/GuidesThe Deep Coaching Mastery Program – to dramatically deepen your skills by learning to work from your DI and teach your clients how to access/use their inherent human superpowers. 

Transform with Private Work

Private Coaching – For those interested in a personal, more intensive experience designed to go at your pace, and with direct application to your life goals and challenges.

Apprenticeship – For coaches and other practitioners who are looking for a deeply immersive DI-based mentorship in all areas of your practice, business, and life.

Join us weekly!

Wednesday Soul Space

One of our favorite community gathering places.

A space in the middle of your week for you to relax, rejuvenate, and come home to yourself.

There’s nothing for you to do but receive and open to your deeper intelligence as I guide you through a meditation/generative trance process.

Wednesdays at 10 AM PST  |  1 PM EDT

What people are saying

Upcoming Mastermind

Start: Sept 10

3 months starting Tues. Sept 10 9-11 AM PDT | 12-2 PM EDT

Intelligent Action Mastermind: IAM

Facilitated by Christina Berkley

Connect the inherent, aligned wisdom of your Deep Intelligence to the energy of activated flow states. 

Make the final quarter of 2024 the one that brings you to new heights as you drop in deeper than you have all year to the tap root of your purpose and vision. Then, energize that vision with the scary/exciting actions that will keep you having fun and in flow.

All within an inspiring community that will keep you weaving deep, soulful experiences and insights, with real-world action-taking and results.

Super-power your business/projects with the creative force and magic you know is available when you’re at your best.

And feel the power and support of a group field, connected in that energy, creating and rising together.

Upcoming Community Workshops & Events

Sept 4, 11, 18, 25

Wed. Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25 | 10 AM PDT | 1 PM EDT

Soul Space

Led by Christina Berkley

One of our favorite community gathering places.

A space in the middle of your week for you to relax, rejuvenate, and come home to yourself.

There’s nothing for you to do but receive and open to your Deeper Intelligence as I guide you through a meditation/generative trance process.


Sept 24

Tues. Sept 24 | 1:00 PM PDT | 4:00 PM EDT

Book Club

Hosted by Christina Berkley

Join us at these virtual campfires to enrich your being where we will be having deeply meaningful, courageous and comforting conversations that spark our souls and hold the potential to re-ignite our lives.

Our book this month will be An Elderly Lady is Up To No Good by Helene Tursten.

forest of trees covered in green moss

Now Playing

By Christina Berkley

My personal reason for opening the Center for Deep Intelligence

Stay in the Loop at the Center and Receive Your 2 Community Welcome Gifts

Subscribe Below

1. The Way of Deep Intelligence: A Guide for Fast Times

A guide on how to connect and communicate with your Deep Intelligence. Flow, creativity, ease-ful productivity, and spiritual growth are waiting for you there.

2. 3 Seeds Centering DI Meditation - Audio

A gentle meditation journey to start your day and for anytime you want to drop in and open to the inner wisdom of your Deep Intelligence.

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