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Starts September 10, 2024

Intelligent Action Mastermind

Let’s create some Epic Sh*t!
by braiding together deeply connected consciousness-states, the activated energy and action of flow, the wisdom of science, AND personally meaningful spirituality.

Bring the power of Deep Intelligence to your life’s work:

  • Create your business / project from your truest wisdom and alignment
  • Learn to use your attention, connection, and embodiment to drop into naturally fun and productive Flow states
  • Know what to do when the challenges come (the head-trip ones and otherwise)
  • Catch the bubbling effervescent energy of a group of people taking scary/exciting risks together to bring their souls’ visions to life
  • Produce powerful and unexpected results by making deeply intelligent decisions over 3 months of focused, inspired action



The 3 Pillars of IAM:

Pillar 1 Getting Connected


Intelligent Action is Connected Action:

  • Connection to your own truest, deepest and soul-ful knowing (vs your spinny thoughts)
  • Connection to others (Relationships are the bedrock of successful creating in the world)
  • Connection to something greater, wider than your own ego-self. Some call that God, others Spirit, others the Tao … whatever that is for you.

With the first pillar you’ll learn how to use your attention and your body to get connected! From these deeply connected states wisdom, Flow, and alignment arise.

You’ll find this easier and easier, as you develop the neural pathways to do so with the introduction of D.I. Practices which we’ll build on through-out the program. 

Making great things happen in your world is the driving force of this program.

We will do it with DEPTH & ENERGY

  • drop into vivid Flow states
  • tap into boundless intuition and creativity
  • learn useful science-based practices for motivation, reducing distraction and working WITH your dopamine-seeking brain
  • enjoy being ease-fully productive
  • learn the 3 necessary elements of powerful intentions
  • and the 3 inner stances needed for effective creating

Adding in the energy of movement, games, and challenges and just the right amount of risk-taking you’ll:

  • build your dream business, one perfectly-aligned, exciting/scary action at a time
  • draw in your perfect clients, partners, collaborators with skillfully resonant emails, social media, calls, and in-person meetings
  • deepen your personal relationships as they become more intimate and exciting
  • watch your art and creativity come to life and flow out of you like never before
This pillar includes optional, 1.5-hr, bi-weekly Deep Work/Play sessions.  Here, you can practice and apply your new attention, focus, and flow skills to your most interesting and pressing projects.
We’ll begin with:
  • turning off phones, social media, and any other distractions,
  • settling in with a guided DI process to connect with our intention for the hour,
  • sharing what we’ll be working on with our communal cheering squad,
  • hitting mute while staying connected in the zoom field together and diving into our deep work/play,
  • connecting at the end, sharing our successes, and celebrating our great work/play.

Pillar 2 Peak Performance FLOW States

Pillar 3 Navigating Obstacles

No matter how many great ideas and carefully laid plans we have, life is gonna life: dishes are going to break, breakups up will disrupt carefully projected future-lives, someone else gets the promotion, the economy flips, a thriving business suddenly isn’t working the way it used to, there’s a pandemic, someone we love gets sick  … and all the while, we deal with labyrinth of internal triggers, anxieties, depressions and exhaustion. The voices in our heads can get really loud and stuckness get can really sticky.

The good news – you CAN handle it and skillfully navigate through it, in a way that brings you into an even better place on the other side.

You can meet these moments of challenge – in a reactive, tight, locked and stressed way that protects you to some degree, but ultimately leads you into a further Crash and breakdown


You can learn to meet these moments with a centered, open, and fluid state (connected to Deep Intelligence), that allows you to resource yourself, let the experience move through while helping you grow new skills, resilience, heal, and shift what you need to with your identity that will have you emerge on the other side with a life-changing breakthrough.

In this pillar, you’ll learn how to:

  • develop the internal resources you need, no matter the challenge
  • welcome everything you experience,
  • move from a tight CRASH state to a generative and open one
  • love and like every part of yourself – experientially – for real,
  • create safety for yourself so that no matter what circumstance you find yourself in, you are ultimately safe and can surf your way through. 

All especially excellent skills to have as we move into an Age of human history that will see more and more uncertainty.

The Intelligent Action Manifesto

AKA – What we’re really doing here 😉

The underlying current of IAM is this living document.

This is how to live and create with boundless depth, energy, and movement.

Read it.

Notice where you’re already a master.

Notice where you’re repelled, resistant, or non-confronting.

Notice where you’re curious.

Notice where the scary/exciting opportunity lies for you.

Bring these answers to our first session! It will be our starting point.

intelligent action manifesto

Elements of the Program

  • 6 2-hr live, zoom sessions – the heart of our program – filled with teaching, practice, sharing, and experiencing Deep Intelligent Action and it’s direct applications to your business/projects. We’ll be braiding depth and trance-work, the activated energy of flow states, the wisdom of science, AND spirituality together.
  • 6 1.5-hr co-working group sessions to shut-off distractions and get to that Creating aspect of the work. We’ll get on a zoom call, touch in with what we want to dive into and create – writing, art, marketing, emails, whatever you want to get
    done, and done well – we’ll do a short DI connection process, and then hit
    mute and get at it. Perfect for those things your brain just “doesn’t wanna” get to and to be energized by the collective energy of co-creating with others.
  • 3 workshops with Christina plus guest facilitators. Topics TBD.
  • Community chat group for daily connection, inspiration, and accountability throughout the program.
  • Recordings of all sessions for review and deepening of the experience by repeating the processes and practices we do during our sessions.


Date: Tuesdays beginning Sept. 10

Time: 9-11 AM PST  |   12-2 PM EDT

Where: Virtual  (link to be provided)

Registration fee:

Pilot Price: $2000 


$3000 (incl. 3 private sessions with Christina)

Replay of all sessions will be available

To apply to register :

Email so we can setup a conversation to see if the program is right for you and you are right for the curated group.

Please include: 

1. What are you so passionate about creating over the next 3 months that its worth investing your time, energy, and money to make happen?

2. What scares you about really going for it?

3. Scale of 1-10, how ready are you to bring all you’ve got to your deep vision?

Deep Intelligence

Content and Original Artwork – Copyright Christina Berkley. All Rights Reserved

May your attention be yours.

May your body sing.

May your connections be deep and many.

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