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Starts November 6, 2023!

Deep Intelligence - Level 1 Foundations

The Deep Intelligence Training Program is the signature program at CDI. It’s an experiential training to support you in accessing and using your Deep Intelligence (D.I.)

D.I. is the wisdom found when the conscious mind, the unconscious mind, and the collective consciousness come together.

It’s like being on the grid or off the grid.

Imagine being part of an unlimited web of universal intelligence that flows in and around you, you are deeply connected, and so resourced and empowered 


struggling on your own trying to be the supplier and the receiver of everything needed to make life work.

 As you make your way through this training, you will not only learn how to plug into the grid, but you’ll also be learning direct applications of D.I. to:

1. Make your life amazing now from real-world creating (flow-states, creativity, productivity etc.), personal healing and inner transformation, and a powerful resource on your spiritual journey.

2. Protect, Prepare, and Steward your humanity into the Age of AI with skills addressing the 6 Immediate Areas of Concern:

Attention, Connection, Embodiment, Truth, Uncertainty, Meaning/Purpose


 You’ll be learning D.I. Skills and Practices to help you root this way of being/consciousness into your everyday life, and help it grow – within a community of support to help you stay resourced and accountable.

"I no longer feel like a droid. I feel human again!!!"

My DI Skills have been invaluable to me. I’ve noticed so many ways my life has benefited from tapping in and using this new ability and deep space, but I didn’t really understand until last week when my father passed away.

It was such an intense moment and I was able to meet it in a totally new way for me. I realized how much of my feelings I’ve been holding back and avoiding. I was able to FINALLY feel them. I no longer feel like droid. I feel human again!!!

~ Kathleen Hartley

The 4 Parts of Your Training:

Module 1 Deepen Your Humanity


We begin with your humanity: how do you experience it, and what are you missing? 

You have natural abilities you mostly likely aren’t aware of given today’s modern society. It’s important that you remember, and develop these before your ability to is so diminished they are lost.

We’ll look at where nature fits in, song, art, emotion, the body, and our experience of consciousness. How to experience life more richly and fully, and the one magic ingredient that makes it all possible – your Attention!

There is an economic war out there clamoring for your attention, with systems now pervasive in our lives, dependent on its hijacking. 

In module 1 you’ll claim your attention back and learn to use it to enrich your life.

You’ll learn what Deep Intelligence is and practices to begin to access it along with the power, connection, and wisdom it brings you. 

You’ll find this easier and easier, as you develop the neural pathways to do so with the introduction of D.I. Practices which we’ll build on through-out the program. 

Developing DI skills not only supports you in the future, but has direct application to making you more effective at life NOW.

Opening and deepening  the quality of your consciousness, will have you be more effective at directing the things and experiences that make up your life:

  • drop into vivid Flow states
  • tap into boundless intuition and creativity
  • enjoy being ease-fully productive
  • develop deeper connections and relationships at work and play
  • learn the 3 necessary elements of powerful intentions
  • and the 3 inner stances needed for effective creating
This is the direct, ROI module that gets you curating your inner and outer world and developing the skills you need to help your business flourish, and your relationships shine. 
In this module we’ll introduce optional, 1-hr, weekly Deep Work/Play sessions.  Here, you can practice and apply your new attention, focus, and flow skills to your most interesting and pressing projects.
We’ll begin with:
  • turning off phones, social media, and any other distractions,
  • settling in with a guided DI process to connect with our intention for the hour,
  • sharing what we’ll be working on with our communal cheering squad,
  • hitting mute while staying connected in the zoom field together and diving into our deep work/play,
  • connecting at the end, sharing our successes, and celebrating our great work/play.


Module 2 How to Create Amazing Realities

Module 3 How to Deal With Anything

No matter how much control we think we have, life is gonna life: dishes are going to break, breakups up will disrupt carefully projected future-lives, someone else gets the promotion, the economy flips, a thriving business suddenly isn’t working the way it used to, there’s a pandemic, someone we love gets sick, dies … and all the while, we deal with labyrinth of internal triggers, anxieties, depressions, traumas, exhaustion, and pain.

The good news – you CAN handle it, whatever it is, in a way that brings you into an even better place on the other side.

You can meet these moments of change, where whatever worked before, doesn’t work anymore – in a reactive, tight, locked and stressed way that protects you to some degree, but ultimately leads you into a further Crash and breakdown


You can learn to meet these moments with a centered, open, and fluid state (connected to Deep Intelligence), that allows the experience to move through while helping you grow new skills, resilience, heal, and shift what you need to with your identity that will have you emerge on the other side with a life-changing breakthrough.

In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • guide of your own healing,
  • welcome everything you experience,
  • develop the connected, open, centered, fluid, Deep Intelligence field state,
  • love and like every part of yourself – experientially – for real,
  • create safety for yourself so that no matter what circumstance you find yourself in, you are ultimately safe and can surf your way through. 

All especially excellent skills to have as we move into an Age of human history that will see more and more uncertainty.

As the power of AI is unleashed on the world, YOUR power will be amplified with it. Along with everyone else’s. How this great experiment goes is highly dependent on the wisdom each of us holds as we adopt new exponential technologies.

The key to wisdom is being able to understand, sense, and experience yourself fully, within the interconnected wholeness of everything that you are part of – your family, your neighborhood, your industry, the institutions you belong to and those that have influence on your life, your culture(s), nature, humanity as a whole, fields of consciousness beyond yourself, the shadow aspects within you AND in all the place mentioned above. 

The experience of an opening, connected consciousness that can witness and hold beyond your own isolated ego-mind, is a big step on every spiritual journey. And, in the “real” world, this sort of systems thinking is especially important if you are going to make the best decisions for yourself, and those you love.

At the same time, a crisis of meaning and purpose is coming fast as jobs are lost and what used to give people a sense of status and identity no longer do.  The connection to what is bigger than ourselves will be the key to finding meaning and staying firmly planted in a deeply fulfilling life.

In this module you will discover how to be fluid with your identity as you learn to connect more, and more, with the universal fields around you, the grid.
It will give you the wisdom, flexibility, resourcefulness, and breadth of being that will always be there for you. No matter what.

Module 4 Applying Wisdom in the Age of AI

"DI saved my life!"

DI skills have dramatically improved my coping mechanisms and the way I handle situations. It has become a staple in my communications toolkit.

For example, I was arrested a few months ago for stealing a truck that I bought. I was surrounded by 15 white police officers at 5am with hands on holsters ready to draw. I diffused the situation in about 20 minutes. The squad sent me off with the smallest female police officer I have ever seen. When we got to the courthouse, she pleaded on my behalf and I was released without bail right after I was processed. If this had happened a year ago, I would most likely have been shot. DI saved my life! YOU gave me a gift that’s keeping me alive.” ~ Kweku Hayford

Incredibly, Kweku shared with me later, that in that moment, surrounded, and with his pet pit bull barking in the back seat of his truck, he noticed that the officers were scared too and realized “I was going to have to take care of us all.” That is the kind of connected-beyond-ego wisdom and power available to you.

~ Kweku Hayford

Elements of the Program

  • 12 2-hr live, zoom sessions – the heart of our program – filled with teaching, practice, sharing, and experiencing Deep Intelligence and it’s applications.  
  • Deep Intelligence Practices taught throughout for you to integrate into your daily life. These will help you tap in easier and easier and integrate DI into your every-day lived experience with all the energy, calm, and resourcefulness that come with it.
  • Community Telegram group for connection, inspiration, and accountability.
  • Access to weekly, 1-hr group Deep Work sessions to shut-off distractions and get to that Creating aspect of the work. We’ll get on a zoom call, touch in with what we want to dive into and create in that hour – writing, art, marketing, emails, taxes, whatever you want to get done, and done well – do a short DI connection process, and then hit mute and get at it.
  • Recordings of all sessions for review and deepening of the experience by repeating the processes and practices we do during our sessions

My life blew up + 48 hours with DI = landed in a MUCH more beautiful and aligned place.

My life blew up. Literally, this last Thursday at 8am. Pieces of confetti in the Universe floating in the abyss. Life then moved into warp speed and 48 hours later, all these pieces in the sky fell into place in a MUCH more beautiful “puzzle” that’s aligned with me and my values. I would NEVER had made the change on my own (probably out of loyalty).

I still am in amazement. What was so uniquely different about my inner state as all this blew up, crumbled and melted down is, while in that place of being broken open and not having ANY idea what was next, I connected with that place within of DEEP Trust (DI). I felt myself on a bridge over an abyss and had NO idea if I was going to die and yet I just sat with this place inside that I feel your teaching and practice container has reminded me of and given ME a space to cultivate. 

DI was available to me in the midst of a massive life change that I had NO idea was coming. Truly, it is a testament to tuning to the vibration of the Universe and the gift of holding that space when life disintegrates around us.

Thank you, Christina. When I think how much ease and flow (and tears to also allow the emotions to roll through and metabolize through my body) I feel the time in your container has allowed me to practice dropping in and knowing a place of Refuge within myself that aligns with Universal flow.  I THANK YOU for helping me cultivate this within myself and for creating a container to provide the opening and guidance to “get there” over and over. Thus, when Life blew up, it was a totally new experience and there has been an incredible amount of ease and SWIFTNESS. I am still in AWE!

~ Kirsten Biondi


Date: Monday, November 6 start plus 

11 sessions (TBD once cohort gathers)

Time: 10-12 AM PST  |   1-3 PM EDT

Where: Virtual  (link to be provided)

Registration fee:

This is the first time I am running this program so I will be offering a special introductory rate of $500.

Replay of all sessions will be available

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